Disney's Epic Fail
What do you see when you look at this picture? Do you see two polar bears having a playful moment at the World Class Display of Journey to Churchill? Or, do you see a #MeToo moment. I can tell you that I watched these polar bears play for about 15 continuous moments. They were being playful with each other and both of them were enjoying themselves as was the crowd watching them.
The #MeToo movement is an important social justice moment that it was time for our society to wake up too. It gave women the courage to stand up and face their accusers and to speak their truth. Why did we need to empower women?
Well, one of the reasons is that we all grew up with Disney Princesses and the message it gave to us as girls.
First of all, Cinderella. Cinderella\s biggest problem was that she worked in a non-unionized environment. If the story was happening today, it would be like she was working in a Tim Horton's franchise. Anyway, so she started crying and a magic fairy Godmother appeared and gave her a make-over. And, then she met Prince Charming who was only in love with her looks because they had no time to talk or get to know each other. He decided in a few hours that he had to marry her, and they lived happily ever after. Really. So, basically she went on the Bachelor to a rose ceremony and then got married. How well does this work out on the Bachelor? What a horrible message for young girls. That we need to be rescued by Prince Charming and the only way to do that is through looks and not personality.
Then, there is Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. Ok, to me, they are basically the same story except one has 7 agoraphobic men in it. Basically, in both stories someone is jealous of their beauty and tries to put them out of commission by casting spells on them that puts them in a coma. How can we not think date rape drug? Anyway, in both stories, the magical Prince comes riding in on a white horse kisses with (without their consent) and brings them to life and they ride away to the sunset living happily ever after. Nice touch for Snow White to leave the 7 men who risked their lives for her and also literally gave up their lives to watch over her for a lifetime.
Horrible messages for girls. And, it sticks. How many women are still waiting for a prince to come and rescue them? No reason that we are given the option to work out of these situations with our brains.
Then, we have Mulan. A young girl that disguises herself as a boy so that her father doesn't have to fight in the army. She is brave and talented and doesn't use her looks to get out of a situation. Her commander in the army is Li Shing. He discovers that she is a girl but doesn't turn her in, however, he indicates that he will hold her to the same standard of any of the other males in her platoon. In short, he treats her with respect. At the end of the movie, when the war is over, Mulan invites Li Shing over for dinner to meet her family.
Disney has announced that Li Shing's character will be cut due to #MeToo. Obviously, one of the largest entertainment empires does not understand #MeToo. Li Shing and Mulan's relationship is built on mutual respect. He does not use her sexuality against him. He does not even make the first move.
This is a story that actually inspires young girls. That we can compete with males on a level playing field. That a woman doesn't have to wait for a man to ask her out. Workplace romances are complicated so that is why Mulan waits until the War is over to ask him for dinner.
What's the problem?
By eliminating this character due to #MeToo minimizes the many woman (and men) who have been faced with unwanted sexual harassment
Trust me. Any woman that has been victimized know the difference between innocent flirting and unwanted attention. Just like I knew the polar bears were having fun together and not being exploited.
The #MeToo movement is an important social justice moment that it was time for our society to wake up too. It gave women the courage to stand up and face their accusers and to speak their truth. Why did we need to empower women?
Well, one of the reasons is that we all grew up with Disney Princesses and the message it gave to us as girls.
First of all, Cinderella. Cinderella\s biggest problem was that she worked in a non-unionized environment. If the story was happening today, it would be like she was working in a Tim Horton's franchise. Anyway, so she started crying and a magic fairy Godmother appeared and gave her a make-over. And, then she met Prince Charming who was only in love with her looks because they had no time to talk or get to know each other. He decided in a few hours that he had to marry her, and they lived happily ever after. Really. So, basically she went on the Bachelor to a rose ceremony and then got married. How well does this work out on the Bachelor? What a horrible message for young girls. That we need to be rescued by Prince Charming and the only way to do that is through looks and not personality.
Then, there is Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. Ok, to me, they are basically the same story except one has 7 agoraphobic men in it. Basically, in both stories someone is jealous of their beauty and tries to put them out of commission by casting spells on them that puts them in a coma. How can we not think date rape drug? Anyway, in both stories, the magical Prince comes riding in on a white horse kisses with (without their consent) and brings them to life and they ride away to the sunset living happily ever after. Nice touch for Snow White to leave the 7 men who risked their lives for her and also literally gave up their lives to watch over her for a lifetime.
Horrible messages for girls. And, it sticks. How many women are still waiting for a prince to come and rescue them? No reason that we are given the option to work out of these situations with our brains.
Then, we have Mulan. A young girl that disguises herself as a boy so that her father doesn't have to fight in the army. She is brave and talented and doesn't use her looks to get out of a situation. Her commander in the army is Li Shing. He discovers that she is a girl but doesn't turn her in, however, he indicates that he will hold her to the same standard of any of the other males in her platoon. In short, he treats her with respect. At the end of the movie, when the war is over, Mulan invites Li Shing over for dinner to meet her family.
Disney has announced that Li Shing's character will be cut due to #MeToo. Obviously, one of the largest entertainment empires does not understand #MeToo. Li Shing and Mulan's relationship is built on mutual respect. He does not use her sexuality against him. He does not even make the first move.
This is a story that actually inspires young girls. That we can compete with males on a level playing field. That a woman doesn't have to wait for a man to ask her out. Workplace romances are complicated so that is why Mulan waits until the War is over to ask him for dinner.
What's the problem?
By eliminating this character due to #MeToo minimizes the many woman (and men) who have been faced with unwanted sexual harassment
Trust me. Any woman that has been victimized know the difference between innocent flirting and unwanted attention. Just like I knew the polar bears were having fun together and not being exploited.
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