Pallister Economics - Please Help
I get a lot of emails from political parties asking for money. Yesterday, it was the provincial Conservatives.
For half the email, it went on about climate change, carbon tax, pledge to be green, fighting the federal government, carbon footprint. Honestly, I read it several times and I could not understand what point was trying to be made. Seriously, I couldn't understand what point they were trying to make. I am not trying to be cute. I literally could not fathom what was being said. And, I'm like, smart.
However, I do remember Premier Pallister on the day after his re-election saying that his government was going to eliminate reusable plastic bags in his first 100 days of office. Guess what? They are still here, so I don't have much confidence in any environmental claims.
The next part of the email touted that Pallister was going to reduce PST by 1% on July 1. This would mean that we would have the second lowest PST in the country and it would save the average family $336/year. Well, I do like money, however, every economic report that comes out in Canada cautions us about debt and personal debt keeps rising to dangerous levels. This leads me to believe, that the average Manitoba spends above their means. See, I told you, I am, like, smart. So, no one will be actually saving $336/year, they will just spend it and probably more.
But, in order to do this, for some reason, they need a donation from me to make this happen. Now, this one really made me wonder. They have a majority of 18 seats. They have just cut funding to school nutrition programs. They are closing the Dauphin jail which will mean economic ruin for the City of Sunshine. Yet, they need my money to cut the PST. Doesn't make much sense. Also, there is my personal pet peeve. Why is Wowchuk still in caucus?
Tell you what. There is a list above of the things money can't buy. You don't need my money to acquire those 10 things. Once you demonstrate these ten things, I will deeply consider giving you money.
And, since you need my money to lower the PST and save families $336/year, please use my $336 to fund nutrition in school programs.
For half the email, it went on about climate change, carbon tax, pledge to be green, fighting the federal government, carbon footprint. Honestly, I read it several times and I could not understand what point was trying to be made. Seriously, I couldn't understand what point they were trying to make. I am not trying to be cute. I literally could not fathom what was being said. And, I'm like, smart.
However, I do remember Premier Pallister on the day after his re-election saying that his government was going to eliminate reusable plastic bags in his first 100 days of office. Guess what? They are still here, so I don't have much confidence in any environmental claims.
The next part of the email touted that Pallister was going to reduce PST by 1% on July 1. This would mean that we would have the second lowest PST in the country and it would save the average family $336/year. Well, I do like money, however, every economic report that comes out in Canada cautions us about debt and personal debt keeps rising to dangerous levels. This leads me to believe, that the average Manitoba spends above their means. See, I told you, I am, like, smart. So, no one will be actually saving $336/year, they will just spend it and probably more.
But, in order to do this, for some reason, they need a donation from me to make this happen. Now, this one really made me wonder. They have a majority of 18 seats. They have just cut funding to school nutrition programs. They are closing the Dauphin jail which will mean economic ruin for the City of Sunshine. Yet, they need my money to cut the PST. Doesn't make much sense. Also, there is my personal pet peeve. Why is Wowchuk still in caucus?
Tell you what. There is a list above of the things money can't buy. You don't need my money to acquire those 10 things. Once you demonstrate these ten things, I will deeply consider giving you money.
And, since you need my money to lower the PST and save families $336/year, please use my $336 to fund nutrition in school programs.
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