Headlines for Headlines Sake

Scratching my head over the NDP budget delay today.  It seems like a headline grabber for headline sake.  I don't know what they accomplished rather than create a little bit of chaos. 

The face is that the budget was decided a long time ago.  It went to Her Majesty's printer and thousands of copies were printed.  If you actually want to fight the budget, your best bet is to allow the budget to be presented and then there are numerous parliamentary options to delay and/or amend the budget. 

Right now, it is hard to be on the NDP side because the majority of us don't know what we are even fighting for. 

There are other consequences that should be considered by NDP.  First of all, they risk alienating the Press Corps.  Can you imagine all these journalists stuck together and unable to report on the budget that had already been distributed to them.  The timing is horrible.  A world pandemic has been declared and social distancing is being recommended.  Journalists aren't the most patient of people and being sequestered is not optimal. 

Another consequence is that Pallister has cancelled his meeting with the Prime Minister tomorrow.  Whether we like it or not, Pallister has been elected Premier and federal/provincial relations are not great.  This meeting could have been very important to all Manitobans. 

Plus, with this "unrevealed" budget taking center stage, our attention is taken away from the City budget which, while balanced, also has significant implications for Winnipeggers. 

And, do they think this is hurting Pallister?  Not at all.  He loves this kind of thing.  He likes to have a reputation of a "politically incorrect no-nonsense get :er done kind of guy."  In short, he thrives when he views that he is in a street fight.  And, he doesn't necessarily fight fair. 

I admire the NDP for fighting for what they believe in, but, do it right.  Let the budget be introduced and then fight with all of your might.  And, your might has to include Jagmeet Singh.  Bring him in for these fights.  Let Manitobans become more familiar with him. 


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