So Much Easier Getting Through COVID-19 With Mental Illness

Believe it or not, I am usually glad that I live with mental illness.  I am a much better person since I have began to live with a mental illness.  Now, I am especially happy because I am in a much better place in our new reality of living with COVID-19 precautions. 

The first thing is people living with mental illness have a clearer mindset about what is and isn't a problem.  I can thank (c)PTSD to giving me perspective.  Temporary precautions, which seem difficult for others, are no big deal to me.  Self-isolating for a couple of weeks or so doesn't bother me.  When I first was diagnosed, I self-isolated (non-intentional) for almost 6 months.  I already know every trick to getting through a long period of staying at home. 

It is great that the government has waived the two week waiting period for EI benefits.  The problem with that is that there no more workers to process the claims which are rising every day.  People are experiencing anxiety about how they are going to pay their bills.  People who have been living with mental illness have a unique way of getting through this.  Simply, most of us have spent a great deal of time and energy looking for serving and resources to help.  Even more simply put, we have come to peace that there is not enough services out there to help.  It sucks and we know that already.  There is going to have thousands and thousands of people out there who will be finding this out.

People living with mental illness already have been checking on those in our support group for a long time.  Checking on people is something that we do naturally.  We can quickly identify people who need monitoring and daily checks. 

There are people who experience anxiety who never have had experience with anxiety.  I am dealing with anxiety since 2003.  If anything, I feel like I am a role model for other experiencing anxiety.  Also, my anxiety has taught me how to go through a large amount of information quickly and filter out what I don't need. 

Social distancing to me is actually easy for me.  I have a much harder time with people violating my personal space. 

Again, I have a perspective now that I didn't have before I had mental illness, but, my partner is not irritating me at all.  We are supporting each other and neither of us is feeling particularly jubliant, but I am still not irritated with him.  We are spending a great deal of time together but he is not irritating me at all.  I wonder if some families "trapped" together feel the same. 

This is also a time of irrational and rational fears.  People with mental illness got this.  We already have so many fears that it is nice to have fears validated.  We can certainly respect fears better than anyone. 

We are going to get through this, eventually.  But, I am so glad that I have depression and anxiety.  It is going to help me get through this easier. 


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