International Women's Day

Tomorrow is International Women's Day and there are a number of women who think that Donald Trump is the best thing to happen to feminism in a a long time.  They think women are more motivated to march, protest, and do what they can to celebrate our freedoms and not take them for granted.

To some degree this is true.   International Women's Day can be traced back to 1910 when the focus was getting governments from all nations to give women the vote and to allow them to run for public office.  Simply put, to be recognized as persons with the same rights afforded to males.

In the last generation, the women's movement has become less active, thinking that we had achieved all that we were going to.  Some women's groups even became over confident and started to assert that we didn't want to be equal to men because that would be taking a step back !!  International Women's Day had been reduced to another Hallmark holiday when you were encouraged to celebrate anyone born with a uterus.

So, it may be good that the leader of the free world is a negative person who seems to have little tolerance for anyone who is not a working class male.  It may be good that we start looking at all that we still have to achieve until we achieve equality in all levels in society.  It is a good thing that Donald Trump is inspiring women to be more involved, essentially to be more present in the women's movement.

Make no mistake.  Donald Trump is not the best thing to happen to anything, let alone feminism.  On Tuesday, January 24, he signed away the reproductive rights of women in developing countries.  By signing the global gag rule, It removes US funding to any overseas organisation that offers abortions or even mentions the word "abortion" as an option.  When he signed the Executive Order, he was surrounded by his 8 advisers on the subject.  8 middle aged men with smug looks on their faces.  He couldn't atleast have his token female (Kellyanne) sitting somewhere in the picture on a couch somewhere.

On the surface, this may not seem like the tremendous kick to feminism that it really is.  Some might think that the answer is simple.  If you don't want an unwanted pregnancy, abstain from sexual activity.  Unfortunately, the answer is not that simple is our developing countries where women have few options, have no sexual education; and are subject to degradation and intimidation and violence.

The deeper concern is that when a group of privileged men are essentially telling women what they can and can not do with their bodies.  My guess is none of these men have ever worried about where their next bag of groceries is going to come from.  I bet none of them have rocked a crying baby to sleep because there has been no food to soothe the baby's hunger.  I bet none of them have watched a baby die from inevitable dysentery from not having vaccinations or basic medicine.

Feminists of all genders need to stand up and take notice.  Once we allow government to tell us what we can do with our bodies, there may be no stopping them.  It can be a slippery slope.  Legislation can exist to tell us how many children we can produce; how many tattoos we can have; how much medical care will be available to do us when we are in the final stages of life.

Don't be fooled.  Donald Trump is not the best thing to happen to the Women's movement.  Not even close.


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