Morning Pages

We have all been told for a long time that we should journal.  

Mental health professionals will tell you how therapeutic keeping a journal can be for help in getting over something traumatic or something trivial.  Oprah used to tell us to keep a gratitude journal and to document everyday what you are grateful for.  When we are angry, we are encouraged to make a journal entry in the form of a letter.  Success coaches will tell us that we need to journal to help focus on goals and keep track on your progress and this will make you more successful. When we go on a trip, we are encouraged to keep a journal to look back on.

People who have invested time in researching the positive reasons for keeping a journal will tell you that first thing in the morning is the best time to journal.  Your mind is the most clear because it hasn't been bombarded with the stimulation of the day yet.  You have had time to sleep so in your subconscious you brain has still been working coming up with creative ideas or different ways of looking at things in your life.  You are refreshed and likely releasing your most creative thoughts. Morning time is probably the closest time to your thoughts actually reflecting who you actually are. You haven't had a chance yet to put on your masks that help you get through the day.  

People have come up with new ways to journal without keeping a journal.   It used to be scrap-booking and now it is Instagram.  These are pictorial representations of a life, and it is better than nothing, but doesn't accomplish what you can by keeping a journal.  Keeping a journal tells the story behind the pictures, No one is going to judge you so you can tell your thoughts about what you were feeling, what you were thinking.  It is also an opportunity to figure this out on your own.  We often don't take that time to reflect, so sometimes we actually don't know ourselves as well as we should. That seems silly, but it is really true.   When we are starting a new relationship, we spend a lot of time getting to know the other's goals, thoughts, ethics, character, values, etc.  How much time do we spend by ourselves getting to know ourselves.   Keeping a journal is your time to focus on yourself.  A few minutes every day.  The benefits are impossible to measure, but anyone who consistently keeps a journal, even just a few key words, will tell you that it is an essential part of their day. Keeping a journal will force you to go out and live your life if nothing else than having something to journal about.  

Keep a journal.  It will probably be the best gift you will ever get, and even more special because you are giving the gift to yourself.   And, you will likely find out, you are worth it.  


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