The potential of harm from illegal immigrants

I think it is important for me to have full disclosure here.  I am engaged to an immigrant and I plan to marry him.   Although I considered that he was just marrying me for citizenship purposes, it turns out that he became a Canadian citizen over 3 decades ago.   Still, he is an immigrant.

We are told almost every day that we have much to fear from immigrants.  I actually came across an article today that had some troubling statistics.   It talked about the odds of things happening to you such as being struck by lightning, having a heart attack; being in a car accident; choking; falling and breaking a bone; contracting cancer; and being harmed by an immigrant.  Apparently, the odds of all of the first six put together happening in one day is about half the odds of being harmed by an immigrant.

It is almost like they are really coming here searching for a better life and a better future for their families.

As far as I know, most immigrants are people.  How is it possible for people to be inherently illegal?

My parents always taught me that if you think someone doesn't like you, then really like them.  It will show that you are a better person.  If you are fearful of someone, go towards them rather than away from them.  They will be expecting you to run so you will disarm them.  Show them you want to listen to really understand.   The power of love always trumps the power of hate.   Give it a try.   I think our society has tried the hate thing and it hasn't really worked out.  Someone, somewhere has to start leading with love.

Common sense is telling us that this is too complicated for our leaders.  I guess we have to start.  We have to be a single drop of water dripping into an ocean.  Who knows where the ripple effects will eventually go?   If we all start leading with love, who knows, our drops of water may get together and form a beautiful waterfall actually creating a new environment.

We are all leaders in our own way.  We all significantly affect atleast five people.  If we can show the power of love to five people, and those five people show the value of love to five people, and so on; and so on........

Its simple.  All we have to do is treat people as if we all were legal,....


  1. Wise parents. I really like your last line.

  2. As legality goes a separate matter whether they enter the country with paperwork or not. All humans deserve respect, dignity and even empathy. We are all immigrants...either at the same generation level as yourself, or your parents, or grandparents. Not even the English or French have roots here before early explorers brought settlers here...and everyone of them an immigrant. Speaking as a witness to Ethnic injustice, just 1 generation ago...I agree with your blog. Restricting and jailing people neither worked for the natives nor the won't work on the Moslem nations nor the Mexican's either. As soon as we realize this the better we can be. thanks for the social comments on this subject.


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