
In 1972, a wiretap changed the course of history for America, and subsequently the world.   It wasn't anything that was revealed on the wiretap that changed us, but, it defined us as a people.   We believed in privacy.   We believed in right and wrong and decided that it was wrong to spy on someone witho
ut their knowledge.  It led to the society standing up for common sense values and it also caused us to demand that our politicians take a stand on issues and not resort to dirty tricks for political gains.

McCarthyism was a serious and malicious part of America's past.   In the 1950s, Americans were literally rounded up and imprisoned and had their lives ruined.  Some of the victims of this era, were victimized simply because of their last name or because they had a membership in a labour union.   Almost all punishments were later overturned as the laws allowing this were declared unconstitutional  McCarthyism was a widespread social phenomenon that affected all levels of society and caused conflict throughout the households of America.

Trump is now making the outrageous allegation that he was the victim of wire-tapping by the previous President.  He says that this amounts to McCarthyism.

It seems beneath my blog to even comment on this ridiculous allegation.   It doesn't meet the basic test of common sense.  President Obama would never have to tap the conversations of Donald Trump; as Trump releases all of his own intimate thoughts and plans to the public anyway.  It is called Twitter.   Part of the consequence of being in reality tv is that you forever need to maintain your character.  You become addicted to voyeurism.  There is nothing secret for anyone to tap.  Secondly, and most importantly, President Obama would want less Trump rather than more Trump.  I am fairly positive he would do almost anything not to listen to Trump.   It is rather laughable actually.
What is disturbing is his reference to McCarthyism.  This would be a new low for Trump, however, in his defense, it is likely that he doesn't know history and what a horrific reference that this truly is.


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