The Mother-in-Law. Help needed !!!
Mother-in-laws get a bad rap, or do they? There is something about a MIL. You can clean your house until it is practically sterile, but somehow your MIL can find that one spec of dust under the bathroom mat. The movie Monster and -in-Law was a blockbuster, not because it was particularly good, but because the title resonated with so many. They are often referred to as Outlaws as opposed to In-Laws. Yet, I have heard rumours that it doesn't have to be that way. Some people say their MIL is their best friend.
I am now a mother-in-law and I want to be the best mother-in-law that I can be. In order to do this, I think I need a lot of help. There is only our source of help that I trust. A Self-Help Book. I want to write that book and I need your help.
I need experiences about mothers-in-law. The good ones. The monsters-in-law. I want to hear from different cultures. When it is not a positive relationship, I want to know what went wrong. When it is a positive relationship, I want to know what went right and how it is maintained. I want to know if the relationship is different with same-sex couples. I want to know if it changes when couples go from living together to being legally married. What happens when you add kids to the mix? And, I want to hear from Mothers-in-Law. Do you love your children's partners as much as you love your children? Is your tongue sore from biting it so much? What happens when the MIL looks hotter than the DIL? I, especially, am interested in the last one?
Seriously, I want to know everything there is to know about this relationship. All stories were be kept confidential and names will be changed to protect both the innocent and guilty !! I love humour so funny stories are always the best.
You can contact me at I will sent you a short questionnaire and then arrange for an interview, either in person or by some other platform. Your story and your wisdom will not only help me but also the tens of people who may buy my book !!!!
Please share this with anyone who know who has ever had a mother-in-law or has been a mother-in-law !!. Thanks in advance for your help.
I am now a mother-in-law and I want to be the best mother-in-law that I can be. In order to do this, I think I need a lot of help. There is only our source of help that I trust. A Self-Help Book. I want to write that book and I need your help.
I need experiences about mothers-in-law. The good ones. The monsters-in-law. I want to hear from different cultures. When it is not a positive relationship, I want to know what went wrong. When it is a positive relationship, I want to know what went right and how it is maintained. I want to know if the relationship is different with same-sex couples. I want to know if it changes when couples go from living together to being legally married. What happens when you add kids to the mix? And, I want to hear from Mothers-in-Law. Do you love your children's partners as much as you love your children? Is your tongue sore from biting it so much? What happens when the MIL looks hotter than the DIL? I, especially, am interested in the last one?
Seriously, I want to know everything there is to know about this relationship. All stories were be kept confidential and names will be changed to protect both the innocent and guilty !! I love humour so funny stories are always the best.
You can contact me at I will sent you a short questionnaire and then arrange for an interview, either in person or by some other platform. Your story and your wisdom will not only help me but also the tens of people who may buy my book !!!!
Please share this with anyone who know who has ever had a mother-in-law or has been a mother-in-law !!. Thanks in advance for your help.
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