Wheeler's Not Worth It and Suggestions for His Blood Money

I don't know what Energy106 is thinking.  They are putting a heck of a lot of resources into a guy that is not worth it.

He claims that he has grown personally and to give him a chance.  Yet, even last year he was still posting his hate speech on social media.  Obviously, every other radio station in North America has vetted him and took a pass on his "talent".  I think Energy106 is going to find he is not worth the trouble. 

When he was fired from his previous station, Rogers Communications made it known that Wheeler had a very thick personnel file implying there had been numerous workplace issues over a long period of time.

He has given an interview claiming he has changed and he is even pledged to give his first pay cheque to the Rainbow Resource Centre.  At first when I read this, I hoped that the Rainbow Resource would turn down his "blood money". 

A couple days later, I think a little differently..  I think the Board of the Rainbow Resource Centre should negotiate with Mr. Wheeler.  Instead of taking his first pay cheque, they should require him to donate a certain amount of radio time to educating himself and his followers about LGBTQA+ community.  He should use his platform to give a voice to the community and interview members widely. Instead of taking his first paycheque, they should negotiate to receive 10% of his gross pay every pay cheque for as long as he works about Energy 106.  If he has really changed and has experienced personal growth, he will be happy to do this and this will also give the Centre a source of continued money. 

Well, maybe not continued money.  It is likely only a matter of time until Energy106 realizes that he is just not worth it..   


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