Sowing Seeds of Success
New Year's Resolutions don't work. I can tell you from anecdotal evidence as well as sourcing every magazine designed for women. This year, I decided to have a theme for this year as well as having monthly resolutions. My resolution for January has been not to eat food that I didn't prepare. My overall theme for the year is Scattering Seeds. You never know what is going to grow and when, so keep scattering. My partner also has a theme and it is focusing on abundance. The thing about themes is that you have to celebrate when they happen in little ways. In that way, it builds momentum and keeps the themes close to your mind.
We love going to MoModays. For those that haven't had the privilege, you need to investigate this monthly show. It is motivation and entertainment in one evening. You don't know if you will be laughing or crying but you will be changed. It is a wonderful way to feel good about Winnipeg. Last Monday, we attended to be uplifted and also to support a mentor of my partner's.
At break, we were given our opportunity to do a brain-storming session with a stranger or someone who already knew. You were to look at one of your intentions for the year and come up with ideas to support your intentions. My partner hates when we have to do these type of things together. He is more of a laid back kind of guy and I tend to be a little bit competitive. It doesn't matter if there is a prize or not, I want to win. This, I knew, we had in the bag. All we had to do was put our themes at the top of the page, and then it would be how fast I could write. We have already given lots of thought to how we are going to use our themes for the year. We came up with 42 things that we wanted to do.
Guess what? We won. And, it turned out, there was a prize. MoMonday is now partnering with 1919 beer so we each got a free mug to sample. It was a lovely Belgian ale. It pours as a clear dark amber with a nice dark fruity aroma. It has a smooth flavour with a nice finish that seems to build the more you sip. Ok, so I am not a big beer drinker so it is hard for me to review it. However, winning that beer was really both of our themes coming together. If we hadn't had themes, we wouldn't have been prepared for the challenge, er, I mean, fun ice-breaking activity. So, scattering the seed paid off with free ale!. Also, by enjoying and celebrating our success, we are also focusing on abundance. Free beer !!
One of the seeds that I want to scatter this year. I had some minor success (in my mind) over a decade ago, and I feel I want to try again. The only problem is that I am a decade older and not as energetic as I used to be. The previous time, I was ready to give it a serious go. This time, I just want to dip my toe in the water and go from there. I was planning on going to an open mic event last Wednesday. Something happened and I felt I had to cancel. However, I didn't realize that when I canceled that I was still scattering seeds.
It turns out that, by canceling, I was sowing a seed in someone else's mind. The real reason I canceled was because my partner and I were struggling to prioritize our relationship. We had let ourselves down. Then, something bloomed. The universe spoke to us and removed the barriers that were between us. We have spent a wonderful weekend reconnecting and restoring. Mother nature cooperated by ensuring it was a great weekend to do nothing. We focused on the abundance that is our love for each other.
And plotting to sow more seeds ! Bwahahaahaha.
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