Busy News Day #3 - Shelley Glover's Court Challenge Dismissed
This news item is a bit of a snore. Of course, political parties establish their own way of doing things. They set policy, they have their own constitution of how they conduct business. The members decide how they are going to do things and it is the members who change it. If you like it, you join that party by paying your membership. If you don't like it, you either join the party and try and change things from within, or you don't join and go on with your life.
A couple of decades ago, I belonged to a club called the Rebekahs. I didn't like that I had to wear a long pink gown to many meetings. Essentially, I didn't understand or appreciate their traditions and rituals. Guess what I did? I quit. It turns out I was under no legal obligation to be in the club and as it also turned out, the membership liked wearing the gowns and understood the traditions and rituals. So, I do me and they do them. I didn't make a legal challenge.
So, I never understood the logic of Shelley Glover's challenge that the Conservative Party needs to follow the Election Act of Manitoba. I guess it is slightly grey. Once chosen by the party's nomination process, candidates running in provincial elections are subject to the rules of the Election Act of Manitoba. But, how any party decides how to select candidates to run under their banner, is not.
Canada values our rights and freedoms, but just because as a society we want a level playing field and do not want any particular demographic to be left behind, doesn't mean that these rights are freedoms are applicable in every aspect of our lives. As I have said before, there is nothing in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms that guarantees that the Casinos of Winnipeg have to provide poker. Some are quite sad about this but a Court Challenge would not change that a corporation can make decisions that they feel is in their business interest.
I was very surprised that Shelley Glover took to the Courts to challenge the results of the Cons leadership race. Everything that I know about her is that she is an intelligent, logical, astute, and committed to the principles of democracy. I thought she would accept her loss gracefully.
Regardless, it is dismissed.
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