Why Are We All So Angry?
Do you remember when the first shut-down happened? It was less than two years ago. My husband and I had a great time together. My watched everything on Netflix and drank shandees every night. He learned to cook and to bake. He couldn't wait to get home from work and try a new creation. Everyone was making sourdough bread. Social media was flooded with DIY projects and ideas. We were all banging on pots outside our doors every night or we were watching people banging on pots on tv. We went for long walks because that is about all that we could do and we were incredibly kind to everyone we met on paths. I have a girlfriend who lives in Ontario who is not a fan of Doug Ford. Yet, every day she would tweet how much she appreciated him and the work he was doing and to keep going. I planned my day around watching the Prime Minister's daily update outside of his cottage outside of the GG residence. That was everyday at 10 am and then there were a series of provincial updates with Manitoba updates at 12:30 pm.
Now, everything seems to have changed except that Manitoba still updates at 12:30 pm. The updates are only on week days now. They were going to take some time off during the holidays and the media was very angry. Rightfully so? I don't even know any more. Manitoba will take the stats off but will still update the web stats every day. The media is taking this as a win. It just wasn't confrontational before. We were all in this together, but apart.
Now, we are just angry.
I know a couple that have a Christmas Open House every year. Pre-pandemic it was something I would never miss because it was an opportunity to see so many people atleast once a year. They would have a huge buffet spread in one room that would be added to throughout the afternoon. In another room, they would have local and live entertainment. It was simply amazing. The couple that have this open house are really pillars of the community. I never thought I would have to think about this, but, yes, I would describe them as law-abiding. Well, guess what, they are still having their Open House this year. The invitation came with detailed instructions of how to behave and what to say in the event of a visit from a Public Health Inspector.
I know others who are following the "letter" of the Public Health Orders but certainly not the "spirit".
And, we are angry about it. Divided and angry. No longer "agreeing to disagree", we are just mad at each other.
I read an article written by a journalist that I respect. The article almost made a direct connection between recent comments by Connor Hellebuyck and the events that occurred at the Maples Personal Care Home over a year ago. Now, I certainly agree that his comments were stupid. At best, his comments were tone deaf but at worst his comments were incredibly irresponsible. We are always asking professional athletes to use their platform to address social issues. If the media found the comments so heinous, they could have chosen not to print them. Again, his comments were stupid and showed his privilege but I don't think he should be blamed for everything bad that has happened due to Covid19.
But, we are angry now.
Actually, I am angry. I am just angry and I don't really know why. I just know that I can go to any social media platform and find a lot to fuel my anger. And, I am looking for that. I am incredibly angry about the Curling Mixed Doubles Olympic Trials going ahead. Incredibly angry. And, I don't know why. It doesn't impact my life and I love curling but I am angry. Too angry for what the situation bears I think.
I think I am angry because the pandemic used to be about levelling the playing field. If didn't matter how much money you had or how important you thought you were, everyone was in the same lockdown following the same restrictions. Now, it seems that exceptions can be made. The people who were raised with privilege and without the burden of developing a conscience seem to find a way to continue without much change to their lives. While the rest of us seem to have to pick up the slack.
Life just seems rather unfair now. And, we are expressing it.
It doesn't seem fair that health care workers are exhausted and don't have the resources needed to do their job as they would like. One of the resources they are lacking is the time to spend with each individual patient to treat them from a patient-centred approach. There is that and then there is a professional athlete making comments that don't seem to honour those on the front-lines of the struggle and yet the consequence to him is that he gets an extended break with his family.
It doesn't seem fair that small businesses are fighting for their mere survival and yet the Premier seems absent. It doesn't seem fair to people who are following the rules yet we are shown many examples of people not following the rules and enforcement seems non-existent.
It doesn't seem fair to me that I am under a no-travel advisory and yet we are flying in athletes, officials, media and the like to compete in an Olympics Trial. The Olympics seem more and more in doubt with every day, by the way. But, if they go ahead, the athletes and their entourages will be going to Beijing while I will be sitting at home angry that I can't go anywhere because of a no-travel advisory.
Yup. It doesn't seem fair and we are angry.
My advice to decision-makers is that people will continue to be angry until we are all subject to the same restrictions with no exceptions. Until we are all "doing our part", there will continue to be an angry divide resulting in less people doing their part.
The teenager with pre-existing conditions should have the same access to masks as the patrons of the liquor store.
This needs to be figured out fast. We just can't have people with so much anger inside of them. Reality is that anger will be released from within us, either in healthy or unhealthy ways. For me, I blog and I am able to release my emotions. Some people don't write a blog and I worry.
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