Remembering Rick Wowchuk
Remember Rick Wowchuk? Two years ago, the Conservative caucus of Manitoba was trying to decide what to do with him. He had these nasty sexual harassment allegation made against him. It was reported that he had violated workplace policy on five occasions. At the time, he was a rookie back bencher MLA.
Remember him? Remember what happened to him? Well, you don't actually have to remember. He hasn't gone anywhere. The only change is that he now is a twice elected back bencher MLA.
So, what happened to him? Nothing. The allegations had no affect on him. One would assume that investigations have concluded but there is no information about this. The conduct did not factor in to his re-election campaign as he actually increased his margin of victory over his nearest opponent.
Since this matter just faded away, we don't know if he learned anything or faced any consequences. If he didn't face any consequences, then, the odds are pretty high that he is still engaging in that behaviour. Anyone who has the gull to sexually harass an employee, and then get away with it, well, it is still happening. There is also no indication at all that there was any criminal investigation. He just gets re-elected and remains a back bencher.
A victory for white male privilege, I guess. When a privileged white male does not have consequences for their behaviour, they are saved the burden of a conscience.
Apparently, this is the type of man that Swan River residents want to represent them and it is their choice. However, it does not save the leader of his party from addressing this publicly and providing some sort of consequence. At the very least, he needs education and counselling.
Actually, the only difference between now and two years ago for him is that now his leader, the Premier, is a woman.
Maybe this matter needs to be revisited by the Premier. Maybe we need to ask her again if it is still ok for him to sit in her caucus. It would be interesting to see her leadership on this matter.
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