Community FB Groups and the Milk Calendar Mystery
One minute you're young and fun and the next minute you are in a neighbourhood facebook group looking at pictures of lost and found cats. Yeah, doesn't it seem like when you have joined a neighbourhood group that you have officially crossed over from youth to wondering where you rocking chair is to sit when you are yelling at kids to get off your lawn.
Regardless, I like to still think of myself as young and fun. And, facebook community groups provide a ton of useful information. I have been made aware of a ton of local restaurants and small businesses. I have read a lot of good reviews and I can read daily the generous spirit of so many of my neighbours. I understand that people really want to help each other but I am already aware that after freezing rain the roads will be icy. And, as a dog person, it concerns me how many cats are roaming around in my neighbourhood. I am actually really afraid of cats so before I joined a neighbourhood facebook group, I could live in blissful denial about cats being out.
It is just interesting how the neighbourhood facebook group can bring out multiple sides of your personality. I know. It happened to me.
A couple of days ago someone inquired about getting a calendar for the new year. Well, as it happened, I was also on the hunt for a new calendar. There used to be so many businesses that used to give out calendars in the past and now it seems that no one does. Apparently, my bank still gives out a desk calendar but I want one that I can hang on the wall and circle my garbage and recycling days. And, who goes into a bank these days anyway. I have been buying calendars for the last several years.
But then, someone mentioned the Milk Calendar. The Milk Calendar!!! I love the Milk Calendar but I haven't seen one in about a decade so I assumed they had been discontinued. The Milk Calendar is awesome because it has a monthly recipe which contains, wait for it, milk. Appetizers, desserts, main dishes, sides, this calendar has it all. Great recipes. I had almost forgotten how much I used to look forward to getting my Milk Calendar. (I think it was in the paper on the second Saturday in December.)
So, it turns out that the Milk Calendar still exists and was never discontinued. Apparently, it was in the flyers about a week ago. Well, I always go through the flyers and I never came across it, not only this year, but any of the last 10 years. Someone else commented that they might still have one that came in the Free Press. They still come in the Free Press?!!! I have been getting the Free Press for, you guessed it, more than the last 10 years and I haven't seen it !! Deep paranoia sets in as I can't believe the lengths someone has obviously gone to separate me from the Milk Calendar. I start complying a list of suspects and motives in my head. Since it has been a decade, this conspiracy must run pretty deep.
And, just like that, I have crossed the line from young and fun to being one of those yelling at kids to get off their lawns. Despite my disdain for cats, I wonder if I should go to a pet shelter or do they just appear? After all, they are roaming the streets.
But, then someone posts something that snaps me out of this. A link to the Manitoba Dairy Association where I can request a Milk Calendar be sent to me. How cool is that? Community facebook groups are the best.
By the way, it got above freezing today, so those of you who have never driven in the winter before, please drive carefully, the roads are slippery.
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