A Canadian #MeToo Response

Comedian Mike Bullard's legal troubles increased this week after he faced three additional charges. 

The most shocking part of that sentence for me was that Mike Bullard was referred to as a comedian.  Is that what he does?   I just never found this guy funny, I actually thought he was a sports commentator.  Also, he is 60 years old.  I can only remember him, maybe being generous, for the last decade.  So, what was he doing for the last 40 years.  A starving comic?  He actually doesn't look like he has missed too many meals. 

Regardless, his three new charges relate to previous legal troubles of two failures to comply with bail conditions and an attempt to obstruct justice. 

He appeared in Toronto Court where he awarded bail for $10,000.  I don't even know how to respond without cursing, which I am trying to be above.   So, I am going to say "Shut the Front Door" but I mean it times 100. 

He has already failed to comply with previous bail conditions and we are going to reward him with further bail??  And that is the two that we know of.  Trust me, if they charged him with two counts of failure to comply, there is probably a dozen counts we don't know about.  Not only is he making a mockery of our legal system, he is basically saying F--- You to the Judge who initially granted him bail. 

There is no question that he should not be granted bail, but, if for some reason bail is granted, the conditions should be fairly stringent and frankly, punitive.  This is not just some family squabble where he hopes he learns the life lesson and that is enough.  This is our justice system.  Unattractive fat bald men should not get a pass. 

So, let's look at the stringent conditions imposed in addition to the $10,000 bail.  That in itself a joke.  Further conditions are that he must live with his half-brother and his half-brother's common-law spouse.  (I am sure she is thrilled with her luck.)  And, he can leave and house and go wherever he wants as long as he is in the company of either half-brother, common-law wife of half-brother, or his family doctor who apparently is a a close friend, or his girl-friend.  Interestingly, the fore-mentioned half-brother is the lead singer of Downchild Blues Band.  Also, if he can go anywhere with his girlfriend, that essentially means he can live with her and also travel with the band.  So, basically no restrictions whatsoever.  Oh, sorry, there is one more restriction.  He has to stay in Canada.  It boggles my mind how he could even not comply with these conditions.

Plus, he will return to court on June 1 where another Judge will decide whether he actually will stand trial on his previous charges.  Plus, he has to be back in court on June 20 on another charge of failing to comply with bail conditions.

So, despite his previous inability to follow any bail conditions, we reward him with more bail and token conditions.  Now, I see where the comedian part comes into play. 

Where did this all start?   This started in the fall of 2016 where he was charged with criminal harassment of an ex-girlfriend.   However, this was not his first criminal.  Apparently, he does have a little long standing problem on turning girl-friends into ex-girl-friends and having it not end well. 

Fall, 2016.  In case anyone is keeping track, it is currently Spring, 2018.  That is a long time for his ex-girl-friend to await disposition, and likely to be living in fear. 

It is shameful and a sad comment on Canada.  No wonder we don't have people coming forward making allegations.  It is obvious we can't protect our victims and we can't even give our perpetrators a slap on the wrist.  Oh, pardon me.  Alleged perpetrator.  But, he doesn't seem to be doing much to deny other than flipping the bird at the justice system. 

Come on, Canada, we can and NEED to do better, otherwise we are destined to keep victimizing the victims. 

I have always felt that Canada has the moral authority to be the leader in the world for social justice.  Today, I am not feeling that.  We need to not only talk the talk but walk the walk. 


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