Another Thing That Politicians Say That I Don't Like.....

When my son was born, everyone wondered where the red hair came from.  Our mail carrier had red hair but I really didn't think it was her.  There was no red hair in either of our families.  Then, my oldest sister reminded us that she was a red head.  Yes, but it came from a bottle and not her genetic make-up.  She literally had been dying her hair red for so long that she actually forgot it wasn't the colour she was born with.  

I know the feeling.  I have to look at baby pictures to remember my natural hair colour.  I been every shade of brunette, a peroxide blonde, and a strawberry blonde.  I have been onyx as opposed to having black hair.  I often put in some pink.  Purple has been present in my hair colour.  I have had some blue streaks and some green streaks, just not at the same time.  Right now, I am going through a red phase but I always pick a slightly different shade every time I colour.  Like most humans, I like to think I am capable of independent thought and those thoughts evolve.  

So, I think less of political candidates when they claim they have been a life-long Conservatives or life-long Liberals or life-long Marxists.  To me, that is a red flag that they are not independent thinkers.  It means that they were born into a family that had allegiance to a certain political party.  They didn't chose that party, the party chose them by default.  They did not come to support a set of political ideals, they adopted the ones of their parents.  They never questioned.  They never rebelled.  They just became life-long members of the party.  That is not a sign of strength, that is a sign of weakness. How can you possibly defend your party to someone else if you have never strayed and learned to defend your party to yourself?  

I think everyone is a fan of Lady Gaga.  She is awesome and authentic.  When she sang, "Born This Way", she was referring to sexual identity and not political affiliation.  


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