Perestroika. I read this book while still in high school. I thought Mikhail Gorbachev was a genius. Definitely a thoughtful scholar. The Cold War was ending and Russia needed to adapt in order to remain relevant in the global economy. The word in Russian means reconstruction. Gorbachev's plan for restructuring contained economic change; social and ethical treatment of citizens; meaningful democracy and transparency. Glasnost. Of course, transitions are difficult. Change is hard. Although Gorbachev achieved a great deal, his work was not complete because of his enemies within Russia.
I couldn't help think about Gorbachev and Perestroika today while watching Independence Day on Pennsylvania Avenue. It reminded me the old May Day celebrations in Russia before Perestroika. It wasn't a celebration, it was a display of power. Designed to send a message. A message of control.
Many of Gorbachev's reforms remain. However, Putin's background was as a member of the KGB in Germany before the wall came down. The training he received has served him well and he is brazen and confident.
Trump's Independence Day included tanks and airplanes and military parades. Prior to Trump, Independence Day was mostly known for hot dog eating contests. Now, it looks like May Day in Russia.
Meanwhile it is working day as usual in Canada. Among our headlines are that all three major political parties are receiving confidential briefings about foreign governments trying to interfere in our upcoming federal election.
It is hard not to think that Trump is acting as an agent for Putin. Yet, Putin, for whatever you think of him, is very intelligent. He would not want Trump as an agent as Trump is too reckless and too unpredictable. In the end, Gorbachev realized that the best control for government was a transparent government doing well economically. Economic power becomes the most meaningful. Perhaps it is simple as that. Perhaps Putin merely has to remind Trump of how much he owes to Russian banks for loans for his so-called "business empire".
To all Americans, I hope they are able to celebrate Independence Day and I hope the hot dogs are delicious.
I couldn't help think about Gorbachev and Perestroika today while watching Independence Day on Pennsylvania Avenue. It reminded me the old May Day celebrations in Russia before Perestroika. It wasn't a celebration, it was a display of power. Designed to send a message. A message of control.
Many of Gorbachev's reforms remain. However, Putin's background was as a member of the KGB in Germany before the wall came down. The training he received has served him well and he is brazen and confident.
Trump's Independence Day included tanks and airplanes and military parades. Prior to Trump, Independence Day was mostly known for hot dog eating contests. Now, it looks like May Day in Russia.
Meanwhile it is working day as usual in Canada. Among our headlines are that all three major political parties are receiving confidential briefings about foreign governments trying to interfere in our upcoming federal election.
It is hard not to think that Trump is acting as an agent for Putin. Yet, Putin, for whatever you think of him, is very intelligent. He would not want Trump as an agent as Trump is too reckless and too unpredictable. In the end, Gorbachev realized that the best control for government was a transparent government doing well economically. Economic power becomes the most meaningful. Perhaps it is simple as that. Perhaps Putin merely has to remind Trump of how much he owes to Russian banks for loans for his so-called "business empire".
To all Americans, I hope they are able to celebrate Independence Day and I hope the hot dogs are delicious.
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