There is Always One
When you look for what is right, you will find it. When you look for what is wrong, you will find it. What kind of person do you want to be?
Steep Rock Manitoba has a population of just over 600. It is in the Northern Interlake. In case you are wondering what industry can be sustained in a population of 600, the answer would be none. When you look up places to shop in Steep Rock, you are referred to Winnipegosis. I have been to Winnipegosis and it is a lovely town but it hardly shopping mecca. Two of the most famous residents of Steep Rock and Hopper and Gonzo. They are known as the Steep Rock Goats. Every summer, a local businessman puts the goats on a small island for them to spend the summer. He has a kayaking business and the goats have become a tourist attraction. The goats attract tourism and this guy's business has been kicking, so to speak. You always have to admire an entrepreneur in a small town. Everyone knows that when you are a small business person, you only have to work half a day. This is true. You get to be the boss and you pick which 12 hours of the day you want to work. This guys work is seasonal so I am imagining he is working 7 days a week when he can.
Well, there have been complaints. Maybe only complaint. Various media outlets have tried to get the side of the complainants and none have been available. That is typical of some complainants. They are happy to complain to various government agencies and do so in silence. We don't know what the complainants allege is wrong with Hopper and Gonzo residing for a few months on a small deserted island. People have visited from all over the world and these goats are quite the tourist attraction, but because of complaints, the goats have been evicted effective July 31. That is soon.
I am sure the complaints are legitimate. Perhaps the added tourism has caused traffic disruption and a traffic study was not completed. Perhaps people are worried that others may have a midnight craving for feta cheese and go attempt to milk the goats to satisfy the craving only to find out that both are male and get kicked by those goats. Perhaps they were worried that property values would go down with goats living on an island outside of town.
The owner does have options. He can apply for that island to be declared pasture land and then apply for a permit. That will take several months so won't happen this year. For now, the goats are for sale.
Manitoba became a Province in 1870 and next year we will be celebrating 150 years since joining Confederation. Governments have many functions but I am sure our founding fathers never envisioned that this would be an issue that would need to be addressed. Apparently, we are going to be celebrating all year in 2020 and won't have time to do anything but celebrate. It is going to be that big. Steep Rock has an MP, MLA, and likely a Reeve. These people earn money to represent the interests of Steep Rock. This is clearly an example where elected officials need to show leadership. They need to facilitate a community meeting where everyone can be heard and a consensus reached. This is probably the most contentious issue every in Steep Rock. Elected Officials, you are on.
In the meantime, in every situation you choose what you want to find. You can be the person who looks for what is right. You can be the person who looks for what is wrong. Either way, you will find what you are looking for. Today, I am going to be the person who is looking for love everywhere.
Steep Rock Manitoba has a population of just over 600. It is in the Northern Interlake. In case you are wondering what industry can be sustained in a population of 600, the answer would be none. When you look up places to shop in Steep Rock, you are referred to Winnipegosis. I have been to Winnipegosis and it is a lovely town but it hardly shopping mecca. Two of the most famous residents of Steep Rock and Hopper and Gonzo. They are known as the Steep Rock Goats. Every summer, a local businessman puts the goats on a small island for them to spend the summer. He has a kayaking business and the goats have become a tourist attraction. The goats attract tourism and this guy's business has been kicking, so to speak. You always have to admire an entrepreneur in a small town. Everyone knows that when you are a small business person, you only have to work half a day. This is true. You get to be the boss and you pick which 12 hours of the day you want to work. This guys work is seasonal so I am imagining he is working 7 days a week when he can.
Well, there have been complaints. Maybe only complaint. Various media outlets have tried to get the side of the complainants and none have been available. That is typical of some complainants. They are happy to complain to various government agencies and do so in silence. We don't know what the complainants allege is wrong with Hopper and Gonzo residing for a few months on a small deserted island. People have visited from all over the world and these goats are quite the tourist attraction, but because of complaints, the goats have been evicted effective July 31. That is soon.
I am sure the complaints are legitimate. Perhaps the added tourism has caused traffic disruption and a traffic study was not completed. Perhaps people are worried that others may have a midnight craving for feta cheese and go attempt to milk the goats to satisfy the craving only to find out that both are male and get kicked by those goats. Perhaps they were worried that property values would go down with goats living on an island outside of town.
The owner does have options. He can apply for that island to be declared pasture land and then apply for a permit. That will take several months so won't happen this year. For now, the goats are for sale.
Manitoba became a Province in 1870 and next year we will be celebrating 150 years since joining Confederation. Governments have many functions but I am sure our founding fathers never envisioned that this would be an issue that would need to be addressed. Apparently, we are going to be celebrating all year in 2020 and won't have time to do anything but celebrate. It is going to be that big. Steep Rock has an MP, MLA, and likely a Reeve. These people earn money to represent the interests of Steep Rock. This is clearly an example where elected officials need to show leadership. They need to facilitate a community meeting where everyone can be heard and a consensus reached. This is probably the most contentious issue every in Steep Rock. Elected Officials, you are on.
In the meantime, in every situation you choose what you want to find. You can be the person who looks for what is right. You can be the person who looks for what is wrong. Either way, you will find what you are looking for. Today, I am going to be the person who is looking for love everywhere.
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