A Light Thought

It has been a tough day to be from the 'Peg. 

Last night, I was watching the news and the Winnipeg Police were giving their stats.  The Winnipeg Police Service gets on average of 45 calls/day of domestic violence alone.  I think of all the people I have been in contact with for the last year.  It has been a lot.  You never what goes on behind closed doors.  Could some of the people that I have contact with be victims or perpetrators. It is a sobering thought.  And, that wasn't even close to the top story on the news last night. 

We are mourning the loss of a father and praying for his children who were involved in a pool accident.  The City is still investigating allegations against their inspectors in the PPD Department.  Another City worker, in another department, was arrested for stealing from the City.  It appears there are problems at City Hall. 

Also, yesterday, we heard of a hate crime perpetrated in Winnipeg, on Corydon Avenue, a place we probably all like to go.  Today, we heard that the crime was staged and didn't occur.  I don't know whether to be relieved or angry.  Basically, I am very sad.  There is a heaviness around me. 

So, I am trying to think of something light.  Of course, my daughter, my son, and my perfect grandson are always on my mind and always elicit a smile.  But, I need something more mindless.  My family always make me smile but when the world seems harsh, I always worry as well.

I am going with advertising.  Most of the time, I think I understand marketing.  I've been watching it my entire life.  But, this one really has me. 

Why is A and W selling their burgers by showing that people in Britain like them?  How does that inspired me to go out and buy a teen burger.  It actually doesn't.  But, it is a light thought I need today.


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