Anyone Advising Trudeau?

Have you ever spent some time people watching?  Just sitting alone with a good cup of Joe just watching people go by.  It is not a bad way to pass time.  I always carry a notebook with me and I just down ideas that come to me.  Things that I want to write about in the future.  I know I should just dictate them in my phone but I like writing things down.  I digress.  Every time I spend some time just people watching, I see at least one person who I think doesn't have any friends.  I think if they had a friend, that friend would pull them aside and tell them that wardrobe choice, that make-up application, those shoes, etc, are awful.  It is silly, I know.  I have to confess, I am starting to wonder if Justin Trudeau has any friends.  I'm not talking about acquaintances, I know he has thousands.  But, I wonder if he has any real friends.  Friends that would dare tell him the truth. 

It makes sense.  His father was a narcissist.  His mother is a narcissist.  He was raised to think he was more special than the average person.  He said he had no interest in politics when it was obvious, he felt it was his destiny.  He certainly was campaigning almost every day of his adult life well ahead of any of his time in politics.  Giving his "golden boy" status, I wonder if he ever swallowed one of the bitter pills that the rest of us learned to swallow early on in our lives.  I think he was told how "special" he was all of his life, so he always felt "entitled" and it never occurred to him that the world didn't revolve around him.  To be fair, being elected Prime Minister has that affect on people.  I am sure he felt like the world was his oyster. 

#LavScam is on its 108+ days now.  (I don't know that exact number, but it is the story that won't die.)  To be honest, when this "scandal" first broke, it was difficult for the average person to understand.  The media was trying to make a scandal out of a molehill.  It is a complicated story.  All Trudeau really had to do was to "lay low" for a couple of days and it likely would have blown over. 

Instead, Trudeau has consistently doubled down and has consistently made it worse.  Is anyone advising him?  Yesterday, Andrew Scheer did a press conference where he released information that Trudeau threatened to sue him and he should cease and desist.  I'm sorry but that was hilarious.  What did Trudeau think would happen?  Did he really think that Scheer would not call his bluff?  Also, Scheer had a week or so to prepare for his press conference.  Frankly, he looked like a statesman. 

Most of what Trudeau has been saying has been disputed.  He said 9000 jobs were on the line and this was contradicted by SNC Lavalin.  No bribes or financial incentive was provided by SNC.  There is evidence that this company is not above bribing.  They did nothing wrong, but they are being investigated by International organizations.  He is feminist-in-chief, well, he no longer can claim that, even though he still is. 

There may not be any salvaging this, but, the first step would be to avail himself to credible people who are not just "yes" men and women but to give him realistic advice.  It may mean swallowing some difficult pills.  But, the good news for Trudeau is that many of us have swallowed these difficult pills over and over, and we're still here. 


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