Advice to Candidates Seeking Public Office

Stacey Abrams is so smart.  Personally, I don't find her overly partisan.  I find her to be a person who is looking for more people to be part of the conversation about change.  I like that she knows who she is and that she doesn't apologize for having money.  She notes that she grew up poor and that sucked and she doesn't want to go back to that. 

She understands common sense.  When speaking of the summary of the Mueller report given by AG Barr, she gives the analogy of your brother summarizing your report card to your parents.  Brilliant. 

My advice to all candidates, and actually to anyone, is read her new book, Leading from the Outside.  It isn't what you would expect from a politician.  It is not a political memoir.  It is "how to" develop leadership skills.  Leadership skills that promote more people to change and to listen.  Leadership skills that are good for anyone who wants to make a difference in the world. 


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