Good Day to be a White Male in Alberta

Sweeping majority for the UCP in Alberta.  It is clear that voters were upset and wanted a change.  It will be difficult for any government to restore Alberta back to the glory days. 

The Ontario voters elected a majority Conservative government with Doug Ford.  It hasn't worked out so well for them.  Many in Ontario are very upset with his government's cuts and agenda.  It is hard to find anyone who admits to voting for him, but he did get a majority, so, obviously there were many. 

One of the consequences of being taught to avoid talking about politics and religion has led to a lack of understanding.  Many don't have a clear idea of what they are voting for.  We don't talk about philosophy anymore or policy direction.  Most of what we see is negative campaigning. 

We need more discussions about ideas and in general we need to learn how to disagree and still have civil conversations.  We need to treat each other better.  We need not be afraid to advance alternative ideas. 


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