Cancer causing Glyphosate.......but just in small quantities

Image result for person choking on food
I was driving my princess to work for her day shift when she requested that I stop at Tim Horton's so she could get something to eat.  I said I don't patronize Tim's so if she wanted me to go through the Drive-Thru, I was not prepared to pay and she would have to pay herself.  How is that for a tough stance.

"What do you have against Tim Horton's, mom?"

Really?  Do you ever even look at my blog?  I'rant about Tim's regularly.  It is a horrible company.

And then, my princess went on and on about The Hobbit Law.  It has a more formal name but basically enacted in New Zealand while filming the Lord of the Rings trilogy.  The point is, said my princess, is that there are a lot of shady companies out there that we don't hear about.  If you really think Tim's is shady, mom, then, good for you and keep it up.

Approval from my baby who is now a woman.  It was amazing.  It might have felt just a little better if she hadn't been munching on a bagel and drinking their coffee, but still, amazing none the less.

Since I stopped patronizing Tim Horton's my life has dramatically changed.  I've learned how to dance, dropped 50 lbs, and have completed a half-marathon.  Ok, none of that has happened.  But, I haven't missed Tim's at all.  Their food sucks, they aren't a Canadian company, and they treat their employees badly.

And now, it has been revealed that their Tim Bits contain a chemical that is used to kill weeds.  In their Tim Bits.  The same Tim Bits that you buy to feed any child that happens to come with you to Tim Bits.  The same Tim Bits that they fired an employee for giving one for free to a toddler.  Those Tim Bits.  But, we don't have to worry. Tim's assures us that they are just small quantities.  Not enough to cause cancer.

Well, that's reassuring.  The company that lies and manipulates facts better than Donald Trump is telling us not to worry.

It has been a horrible year for Tim's.  Their reputation, their stock, their profits, all at new lows.  And the headlines keep coming.  And the lines at the drive-thru keep getting smaller.


  1. I agree. Their food sucks ans I dont miss them either!


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