St. James/Brooklands Ward

On Tuesday night, I was coming home from a meeting and two police cars whizzed past me, lights and sirens going west on Portage Avenue. Later on, I found them relatively near my home with another police car parked in front of a house. (Not my house; not my bsckyard). I was going to stop and park and see what was going on but it turns out police don't really like to be watched. I was shocked. I was let to believe that our Ward was crime free and the only thing we had to fear from this utopia was a recovery centre. Could it be possible that the people who oppose the Bruce Oake Recovery Centre at the old Vimy Arena are misinformed?
Speaking of being misinformed, one of the Mayoral candidates released another statement yesterday simultaneously with Brian Boman launching his campaign. So, that means she didn't even wait to hear what he had to say. That is a clue with how she would operate if elected. Making assumptions. Issuing statements without facts. Regardless, she is calling the sale of the old Vimy Arena land to the Bruce Oake Foundation a back room deal. Since she is new to politics, I will let her know what a back room deal is. It is a deal, without consultation, that has a direct benefit to someone financially who was part of the deal. When I was growing up, we called our living room our front room. If ever there was a front room deal, this was it. There was public consultation and the only people to benefit from this deal are people who will use this centre on their quest for holistic health, free from addiction. I am aware that some other groups made some inquiries for the land, but that was it, they made some inquiries. They didn't have the extensive plan and proposal that the Bruce Oake Foundation made.
Speaking of consultation, there is another public meeting on September 25. Actually, two occuring on the same day. The people in opposition have made every mistake in trying to present opposition, the only question is, if they will make another mistake. That is a fashion mistake. Will they wear white after labour day? Now, it wouldn't bother me because I am an individual and don't follow silly societal "rules" but it seems to me that they would be the type of people that would be concerned about that.
Which brings me to a real dilemma? Who do I vote for on October 24. I have an idea of who to vote for as Mayor. I want to vote on the Portage and Main referendum, but, frankly, I want to spoil my ballot for Councillor. I know one candidate in opposed to the Centre. The other two have no position. If they have no opinion on the only real issue in our Ward, then I don't want to vote for them. I want to write in a candidate or spoil my ballot. The problem is that I have been told, it is one electronic ballot with all three questions on the ballot. I am not given an opportunity to write in a candidate and I worry that if I spoil my ballot for Councillor that I will be spoiling my entire ballot. I don't want to do that, but I may have no choice.
The Recovery Centre is too important, not only for my Ward, but for the entire City. My candidates for Council only want to talk about road repairs which is a non-issue for me. The same streets seem to be repaired year after year regardless of who is in Council. I think it is the City Engineer who makes the decision. The next year, the same potholes seem to reappear. I'm not impressed.
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