Dear Justice Kavanaugh:

Dear Sir:

It looks like the last three decades have been prosperous for you.  You have distinguished yourself as a Jurist and you have had a good marriage and are raising a family.  You have made a positive difference in our legal system.  You have a lot to be proud of.

I recognize that the last few weeks have been difficult for you, but your behavior yesterday has made you a national joke.  Regardless of what you did over 3 decades ago (and, of course, we believe Christine Blasey Ford), your behavior made you an embarrassment to your gender.  The images of you crying and losing your temper are forever etched in the minds of the world.  From that, you can never recover.  Even if miraculously you get your nomination confirmed, you will never be taken seriously.  There will always be an asterisk (either figuratively or literally) associated with you.

Your behavior yesterday did irreparable damage to the judicial system, and made the Senate, one of the strongest institutions of democracy, look like a bad reality show.

Forget your own selfishness for a second.  Think of the rest of the world and just quietly withdraw your name as a nominee for the Supreme Court.  Then, please seek therapy.  You have many issues to deal with.  Hopefully, after receiving some help, you can rebuild your life.

With Respect,

Your Daughters, Liza and Margaret Kavanugh

P.S.  How both appropriate and ironic that it is a flake that is causing this circus to keep going.  Senator Flake from Alaska.  Do the right thing and save the tax payers millions.  Withdraw your nomination.


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