Holding Your Liquor

Can you hold your liquor?

People sometimes get confused as to why liquor is a depressant when it seems to have the opposite effect.  People feel looser, more confident, think they are funnier, liquid courage, I think they call it.  Alcohol is a depressant and it depresses brain functioning.  The first part of the brain depressed is the  part that controls our inhibitions.  If we continue to consume alcohol, more and more of the brain functioning is depressed.  It can be lethal but our bodies our smart.  We have two mechanisms to get us to stop drinking.  We throw up.  We pass out.

Many adults consume alcohol on occasion without adverse consequences.  Then, there are the people who have problems, the social drinkers.  You know the ones you hear someone say"I am going to have a drink" and they say "So Shall I".  (ba dum dum.)

Anyway, I can hold my liquor very well.  I tell people that this is because I'm from Dauphin, but, that is not really the reason.  I experienced a traumatic event in my past and because of that I am hyper-vigilant and have a heightened startle response.  So, I just don't think my brain will allow my inhibitions to be suppressed.  I just don't get a buzz, so I rarely consume.  Why waste money on booze when I can waste it on designer bags?

But, it turns out that there are many Manitobans who are holding their liquor better than I can.  A news article came out today about the alarming amount of shoplifting happening at our liquor stores.  But, apparently shoplifting is using the term loosely.  There is specific instructions to liquor store employees that if they notice someone taking liquor out of the store without paying to let them go.  There was a funny comment attached to the story from an anonymous employee who was helping a customer with a large list for a party and helping her pick out the right wines, etc and after this woman loaded her cart, she thanked the employee for her help and walked right out of the store.  Surveillance tapes are turned over to the police but the police can't keep up.

It was hard to read this article without wanting a drink.  I mean, as far as I know, Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries is a Crown Corporation and contributes greatly to our province's budget.  These are our tax dollars walking out the store without anyone stopping them.  How does that help fund education and health care?

It doesn't make any sense.  They should atleast try to make an effort not to throw our tax dollars down the drain.  Ironically, transit bus drivers are to ensure that no one rides for free.  It is kind of a mixed message.  We are overly concerned about $2.95 but not concerned about hundreds of dollars in fine wines.

I realize alcohol revenue is largely considered a sin tax, but still, making it so easy for people to hold their liquor and walk it out to their car, seems to be rewarding the sins and not taxing it.  Maybe it is time that a little common sense prevailed.

Cheers !   Hic !!


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