Does He or Doesn't He?

Remember in the 70s Loreal hair colouring had a campaign titled, "Does she or doesn't she?" The question was does she or does she not dye her hair. Loreal was claiming their hair colour looked so natural that you coudn't tell if it was natural or dyed.
Well, now a days, we dye our hair with so often, one of our hardest determinations is remembering what is our natural hair colour. My first child was my son who had red hair. No one knew where the red hair came from. I mean our postman did have red hair, but I really don't think it was her. My oldest sister said it must have come from her as she had red hair. She honestly believed that her red hair was natural and not from decades of hitting the bottle, the hair dye bottle, that is.
Everything was fine until I had my daughter and she was blond. I didn't want any more questions so I went blonde for over a decade. People used to ask me, "isn't being that blonde high maintenance?" I replied that it was actually easy. After a decade, my hair dresser announced that I was now going to be a redhead since me being blonde was too high maintenance for her.
Since I spend a good deal of time in a hardresser's chair each month, and since I am a political junkie, I tend to read a lot of political tell all books. After all, they are a quick read. You basically know what the book is by listening to the talk shows. You can skim through those books pretty quickly. So, I was quite positive I could skim through Omarosa's tell-all on her time in the Trump Administration pretty quickly. After all, I'm not really interested in anything she has to say anyway. She will do anything for money. Look at all the tv shows she has appeared in for money. Eating gross things in Fear Factor, for example. Also, if your biggest celebrity in Celebrity Big Brother is Omarosa, you really don't have Celebrity Big Brother. Plus, I watched her on the original Apprentice. Her and Trump did not have a positive relationship so her supposed hiring was weird, to say the least. I guess he was courting the African American vote, but that was the wrong person to do it. Regardless, I skimmed through her book.
There was one striking revelation for me. He almost fired a staff member for not setting up his tanning bed correctly. The firing was not shocking, of course, but the fact that he has a tanning bed in the West Wing? I mean I guess I shouldn't be shocked. He is called Agent Orange or the orange maggot for a reason. But, tanning? In the West Wing? I've watched many news shows over the years and many of them have done a "day in the life of the President" where they had complete access to the President for a whole day. What I have learned is that the President of the United States has a very scheduled schedule down to the last minute and the President is working from dawn to dusk and sometimes beyond that. Is it really possible that the President of the United States makes time every day to strip down and lie in a tanning bed? I'm sorry if I gave you that visual. Not only that, but if he is doing it, it is because he obviously thinks he looks good? Again, Melania, you need to be recording all of this as you will need this evidence when you eventually need to declare him incompetent.
I guess he does need to tan that often. I guess that is assuming he sheds his skin every other day.
So, not only his skin colour, but what is with that hair colour? Early pictures of him show dark brown hair. I never saw him with the salt and pepper look, so I am pretty sure that is not natural grey or whatever you call that shade. Mueller needs to be investigating what kind of a hair stylist would actually put that colour on anyone. Does Grecian Formula still exist? Is he doing this himself?
But, the tanning? Does he or doesn't he?
I pretend to be bald to look intelligent ,but I have 80;s metal hair, it's a fake actors cap , so I do.
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